Anyway, the boy went in the backyard so I followed him and sniffed him a bunch and made sure I covered up any of his pee with my own. You know, this is my territory after all. Then Mom & Dad gave him food and water and he didn't eat any (WHAT is wrong with him?). They closed up my little door and left me & Cocoa inside and him outside. He kept talking, but it was mostly talking to the other dogs behind the fence. I can tell Mom & Dad were annoyed. They always get mad when I talk too loud.
I wasn't mad for TOO long, because we ate some turkey legs. Nom nom. Speaking of, I'm going to go grab some grub so I'll let my psycho little sister finish the story...
COCOA: I wasn't mad at the new dog. I wanted to check out the newbie but he wasn't having any of it - he ran from me! Haha!
She explained to me (though I didn't even ask!) that the newbie that had followed me in the door was a stray(?) meaning he was lost from his family and she had brought him to our doctor (yayayayay - my favorite doctor!) and the doctor said she'd keep him and see if she can find his parents. So, he wasn't really a newbie but a visitor. I liked him anyway.