Thursday, August 7, 2008

July 31, 2008

BOBO: I'm a pretty nice guy, and I only truly hate a few things. I hate cats (evil) and I hate anything that makes my fur wet. I hate the beach, the rain, baths, anything. So, why would Mom think it was ok to take me for a walk when it was obviously raining outside? Was this some sort of punishment? I protested, but was overruled.
COCOA: Water water water, I love the water! I like to drink it and eat it and swim in it! It cools me off and makes me all sloppy and if I want to dry off I can just roll all over the carpet. Bobo is such a grump! He acts like he was tortured or something. He's just sitting around all wet and mopey. I'm going to go drink his water - ha!

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